速報APP / 醫療 / Lenox Hill Northwell

Lenox Hill Northwell



檔案大小:141.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:印尼文, 法文, 英語, 阿拉伯文, 北印度文

Lenox Hill Northwell(圖1)-速報App

Lenox Hill is a patient management app that offers extensive remote health monitoring ability for physicians at Lenox Hill hospital. It enables diagnostic labs, radiology centers, physicians, & healthcare providers to collaborate in an efficient manner and focus on patient care.

Lenox Hill Northwell(圖2)-速報App

Lenox Hill Northwell(圖3)-速報App

+ Access patient records anytime and trace their entire medical history

Lenox Hill Northwell(圖4)-速報App

+ Automatically create trend charts, spot gaps, interpret information, and suggest medical supervision

Lenox Hill Northwell(圖5)-速報App

+ Receive test report updates on real-time basis

Lenox Hill Northwell(圖6)-速報App

Our team at Lenox Hill is dedicated to build one of the most innovative, flexible, and a secure healthcare app for a happy and healthy living!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad